Here's a shot from the main doorway. The new house is nothing if not spacious. It gets some great light in the afternoons. The roof could use a little work. We have some house cleaners coming in to take care of the random rubble left by the last tenants (it's on the left).

Of course, there are a few problems. The electrical system needs repairing, and the heating too (it's steam heated, so we have our own boiler stacks, which haven't been maintained). But we got a great deal on the place, so I shouldn't complain!
Unfortunately, the biggest problem is the uncapped mine shafts directly underfoot. But you know -- caveat emptor (which means, "we hope you like it!").
Anyhow, I guess I should get back to packing. The cleaning maids are coming soon!
wait a minute... you live at the Quincy Mine? In the boiler house? I never realized....
You ever hear that metallic clanking sound coming from the boiler house on windy days? That's me, trying to scare off the tourists.
Dang kids, get off my lawn!
Surprised you get any math work done - tourists and all.
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